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F.I.F.A. – Camera di Risoluzione delle Controversie (2013-2014) – controversie di lavoro – ———- F.I.F.A. – Dispute Resolution Chamber (2013-2014) – labour disputes – official version by www.fifa.com – Decision of theDispute Resolution Chamber passed in Zurich, Switzerland, on 31 October 2013, in the following composition: Geoff Thompson (England), Chairman Ivan Gazidis (England), member Joaquim Evangelista (Portugal), member on the claim presented by the player, Player V, from country F as Claimant against the club, Club P, from country G as Respondent regarding an employment-related dispute arisen between the parties

F.I.F.A. – Camera di Risoluzione delle Controversie (2013-2014) – controversie di lavoro – ———- F.I.F.A. – Dispute Resolution Chamber (2013-2014) – labour disputes – official version by www.fifa.com – Decision of theDispute Resolution Chamber passed in Zurich, Switzerland, on 31 October 2013, in the following composition: Geoff Thompson (England), Chairman Ivan Gazidis (England), member Joaquim Evangelista (Portugal), member on the claim presented by the player, Player V, from country F as Claimant against the club, Club P, from country G…

F.I.F.A. – Camera di Risoluzione delle Controversie (2013-2014) – controversie di lavoro – ———- F.I.F.A. – Dispute Resolution Chamber (2013-2014) – labour disputes – official version by www.fifa.com – Decision of the Dispute Resolution Chamber passed in Zurich, Switzerland, on 4 October 2013, in the following composition: on the claim presented by the player, Player H, from country M as Claimant against the club, Club V, from country S as Respondent regarding an employment-related dispute arisen between the parties

F.I.F.A. – Camera di Risoluzione delle Controversie (2013-2014) – controversie di lavoro – ———- F.I.F.A. – Dispute Resolution Chamber (2013-2014) – labour disputes – official version by www.fifa.com – Decision of the Dispute Resolution Chamber passed in Zurich, Switzerland, on 4 October 2013, in the following composition: on the claim presented by the player, Player H, from country M as Claimant against the club, Club V, from country S as Respondent regarding an employment-related dispute arisen between the parties I.…

F.I.F.A. – Camera di Risoluzione delle Controversie (2013-2014) – controversie di lavoro – ———- F.I.F.A. – Dispute Resolution Chamber (2013-2014) – labour disputes – official version by www.fifa.com – Decision of theDispute Resolution Chamber passed in Zurich, Switzerland, on 4 October 2013, in the following composition: Geoff Thompson (England), Chairman Takuya Yamazaki (Japan), member Theodore Giannikos (Greece), member on the claim presented by the club, Club N, from country U as Claimant against the player, Player B, from country A and the club, Club G, from country Q as Respondents regarding an employment-related dispute arisen between the parties

F.I.F.A. – Camera di Risoluzione delle Controversie (2013-2014) – controversie di lavoro – ———- F.I.F.A. – Dispute Resolution Chamber (2013-2014) – labour disputes – official version by www.fifa.com – Decision of theDispute Resolution Chamber passed in Zurich, Switzerland, on 4 October 2013, in the following composition: Geoff Thompson (England), Chairman Takuya Yamazaki (Japan), member Theodore Giannikos (Greece), member on the claim presented by the club, Club N, from country U as Claimant against the player, Player B, from country A…

F.I.F.A. – Camera di Risoluzione delle Controversie (2013-2014) – controversie di lavoro – ———- F.I.F.A. – Dispute Resolution Chamber (2013-2014) – labour disputes – official version by www.fifa.com – Decision of the Dispute Resolution Chamber passed in Zurich, Switzerland, on 31 October 2013, in the following composition: Geoff Thompson (England), Chairman Ivan Gazidis (England), member Joaquim Evangelista (Portugal), member on the claim presented by the player, Player O, from country B as Claimant against the club, Club V, from country R as Respondent regarding an employment-related dispute arisen between the parties

F.I.F.A. – Camera di Risoluzione delle Controversie (2013-2014) – controversie di lavoro – ———- F.I.F.A. – Dispute Resolution Chamber (2013-2014) – labour disputes – official version by www.fifa.com – Decision of the Dispute Resolution Chamber passed in Zurich, Switzerland, on 31 October 2013, in the following composition: Geoff Thompson (England), Chairman Ivan Gazidis (England), member Joaquim Evangelista (Portugal), member on the claim presented by the player, Player O, from country B as Claimant against the club, Club V, from country…

F.I.F.A. – Camera di Risoluzione delle Controversie (2013-2014) – controversie di lavoro – ———- F.I.F.A. – Dispute Resolution Chamber (2013-2014) – labour disputes – official version by www.fifa.com – Decision of the Dispute Resolution Chamber passed in Zurich, Switzerland, on 31 October 2013, in the following composition: Geoff Thompson (England), Chairman Ivan Gazidis (England), member Joaquim Evangelista (Portugal), member on the claim presented by the player, Player T, from country C as Claimant against the club, Club K, from country T as Respondent regarding an employment-related dispute arisen between the parties

F.I.F.A. – Camera di Risoluzione delle Controversie (2013-2014) – controversie di lavoro – ———- F.I.F.A. – Dispute Resolution Chamber (2013-2014) – labour disputes – official version by www.fifa.com – Decision of the Dispute Resolution Chamber passed in Zurich, Switzerland, on 31 October 2013, in the following composition: Geoff Thompson (England), Chairman Ivan Gazidis (England), member Joaquim Evangelista (Portugal), member on the claim presented by the player, Player T, from country C as Claimant against the club, Club K, from country…

F.I.F.A. – Camera di Risoluzione delle Controversie (2013-2014) – controversie di lavoro – ———- F.I.F.A. – Dispute Resolution Chamber (2013-2014) – labour disputes – official version by www.fifa.com – Decision of the Dispute Resolution Chamber passed in Zurich, Switzerland, on 31 October 2013, in the following composition: Geoff Thompson (England), Chairman Ivan Gazidis (England), member Joaquim Evangelista (Portugal), member on the claim presented by the player, Player B, from country P as Claimant against the club, Club L, from country Q as Respondent regarding an employment-related dispute between the parties

F.I.F.A. – Camera di Risoluzione delle Controversie (2013-2014) – controversie di lavoro – ———- F.I.F.A. – Dispute Resolution Chamber (2013-2014) – labour disputes – official version by www.fifa.com – Decision of the Dispute Resolution Chamber passed in Zurich, Switzerland, on 31 October 2013, in the following composition: Geoff Thompson (England), Chairman Ivan Gazidis (England), member Joaquim Evangelista (Portugal), member on the claim presented by the player, Player B, from country P as Claimant against the club, Club L, from country…

F.I.F.A. – Camera di Risoluzione delle Controversie (2013-2014) – controversie di lavoro – ———- F.I.F.A. – Dispute Resolution Chamber (2013-2014) – labour disputes – official version by www.fifa.com – Decision of the Dispute Resolution Chamber passed in Zurich, Switzerland, on 4 October 2013, in the following composition: Geoff Thompson (England), Chairman Takuya Yamazaki (Japan), member Theodoros Giannikos (Greece), member on the claim presented by the player Player C, from country N as Claimant against the club Club P, from country I as Respondent regarding an employment-related dispute arisen between the Claimant and the Respondent

F.I.F.A. – Camera di Risoluzione delle Controversie (2013-2014) – controversie di lavoro – ———- F.I.F.A. – Dispute Resolution Chamber (2013-2014) – labour disputes – official version by www.fifa.com – Decision of the Dispute Resolution Chamber passed in Zurich, Switzerland, on 4 October 2013, in the following composition: Geoff Thompson (England), Chairman Takuya Yamazaki (Japan), member Theodoros Giannikos (Greece), member on the claim presented by the player Player C, from country N as Claimant against the club Club P, from country…

F.I.F.A. – Camera di Risoluzione delle Controversie (2013-2014) – controversie di lavoro – ———- F.I.F.A. – Dispute Resolution Chamber (2013-2014) – labour disputes – official version by www.fifa.com – Décision de la Chambre de Résolution des Litiges rendue le 31 octobre 2013 à Zurich, Suisse, dans la composition suivante: Geoff Thompson (Angleterre), Président Ivan Gazidis (Angleterre), membre Joaquim Evangelista (Portugal), membre au sujet d’une plainte déposée par le joueur, Joueur M, de pays A & F ci-après, le demandeur à l’encontre du club, Club S, de pays A ci-après, le défendeur concernant un litige relatif au travail entre les parties

F.I.F.A. – Camera di Risoluzione delle Controversie (2013-2014) – controversie di lavoro – ———- F.I.F.A. – Dispute Resolution Chamber (2013-2014) – labour disputes – official version by www.fifa.com – Décision de la Chambre de Résolution des Litiges rendue le 31 octobre 2013 à Zurich, Suisse, dans la composition suivante: Geoff Thompson (Angleterre), Président Ivan Gazidis (Angleterre), membre Joaquim Evangelista (Portugal), membre au sujet d’une plainte déposée par le joueur, Joueur M, de pays A & F ci-après, le demandeur à…

F.I.F.A. – Camera di Risoluzione delle Controversie (2013-2014) – controversie di lavoro – ———- F.I.F.A. – Dispute Resolution Chamber (2013-2014) – labour disputes – official version by www.fifa.com – Decision of the Dispute Resolution Chamber passed in Zurich, Switzerland, on 31 October 2013, in the following composition: Geoff Thompson (England), Chairman Ivan Gazidis (England), member Joaquim Evangelista (Portugal), member on the claim presented by the player, Player E, country G & T as Claimant/Counter-Respondent against the club, Club M, from country U as Respondent/Counter-Claimant regarding an employment-related dispute between the parties

F.I.F.A. – Camera di Risoluzione delle Controversie (2013-2014) – controversie di lavoro – ———- F.I.F.A. – Dispute Resolution Chamber (2013-2014) – labour disputes – official version by www.fifa.com – Decision of the Dispute Resolution Chamber passed in Zurich, Switzerland, on 31 October 2013, in the following composition: Geoff Thompson (England), Chairman Ivan Gazidis (England), member Joaquim Evangelista (Portugal), member on the claim presented by the player, Player E, country G & T as Claimant/Counter-Respondent against the club, Club M, from…

F.I.F.A. – Camera di Risoluzione delle Controversie (2013-2014) – controversie di lavoro – ———- F.I.F.A. – Dispute Resolution Chamber (2013-2014) – labour disputes – official version by www.fifa.com – Decision of theDispute Resolution Chamber passed in Zurich, Switzerland, on 31 October 2013, in the following composition: Geoff Thompson (England), Chairman Ivan Gazidis (England), member Joaquim Evangelista (Portugal), member on the claim presented by the club, Club A, from country S as Claimant / Counter-Respondent against the player, Player C, from country K as Respondent / Counter-Claimant and the club, Club O, from country J as intervening party regarding an employment-related dispute arisen between the parties.

F.I.F.A. – Camera di Risoluzione delle Controversie (2013-2014) – controversie di lavoro – ———- F.I.F.A. – Dispute Resolution Chamber (2013-2014) – labour disputes – official version by www.fifa.com – Decision of theDispute Resolution Chamber passed in Zurich, Switzerland, on 31 October 2013, in the following composition: Geoff Thompson (England), Chairman Ivan Gazidis (England), member Joaquim Evangelista (Portugal), member on the claim presented by the club, Club A, from country S as Claimant / Counter-Respondent against the player, Player C, from…

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