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F.I.F.A. – Dispute Resolution Chamber / Camera di Risoluzione delle Controversie – labour disputes / controversie di lavoro (2019-2020) – fifa.com – atto non ufficiale – Decision 21 February 2020

Decision of the Dispute Resolution Chamber passed in Zurich, Switzerland, on 21 February 2020, in the following composition: Clifford J. Hendel (USA/France), Deputy Chairman Pavel Pivovarov (Russia), member Tomislav Kasalo (Croatia), member on the claim presented by the club, Tout Puissant Mazembe, Congo represented by Messrs Grégory Ernes and Gauthier Bouchat as Claimant and the player, Ben Malango, Congo represented by the Union des Footballeurs du Congo as First Respondent and the club, Raja Casablanca, Morocco represented by Breno Costa…

F.I.F.A. – Dispute Resolution Chamber / Camera di Risoluzione delle Controversie – labour disputes / controversie di lavoro (2019-2020) – fifa.com – atto non ufficiale – Decision 20 February 2020

Decision of the Dispute Resolution Chamber passed in Zurich, Switzerland, on 20 February 2020, in the following composition: Clifford Hendel (USA), Deputy Chairman Roy Vermeer (The Netherlands), member Daan De Jong (The Netherlands), member on the claim presented by the player, Player A, Country B as Claimant against the club, Club C, Country D as Respondent regarding an employment-related dispute between the parties I. Facts of the case Contractual basis 1. On 10 January 2018, the player, Player A (hereinafter:…

F.I.F.A. – Dispute Resolution Chamber / Camera di Risoluzione delle Controversie – labour disputes / controversie di lavoro (2019-2020) – fifa.com – atto non ufficiale – Decision 9 April 2020

Decision of the Dispute Resolution Chamber passed in Zurich, Switzerland, on 9 April 2020, in the following composition: Geoff Thompson (England), Chairman Roy Vermeer (The Netherlands), member Daan de Jong (The Netherlands), member on the claim presented by the player, Wilfried Joselin Sabaly Domoraud, France, represented by Mr Georgi Gradev as Claimant against the club, Hamrun Spartans FC, Malta, represented by Ms Tracy Cauchi as Respondent regarding an employment-related dispute between the parties I. Facts of the case 1. On…

F.I.F.A. – Dispute Resolution Chamber / Camera di Risoluzione delle Controversie – labour disputes / controversie di lavoro (2019-2020) – fifa.com – atto non ufficiale – Decision 12 June 2020

Decision of the DRC Judge passed via videoconference, on 12 June 2020, regarding an employment-related dispute concerning the player Yves Ekwalla HERMANN BY: Daan de Jong (Netherlands), DRC Judge CLAIMANT: Yves Ekwalla HERMANN, Cameroon Represented by Koray Akalp RESPONDENT: AL-ZAWRA’A SPORT CLUB, Iraq Represented by Nezar Ahmed Contractual basis 1. On 25 January 2019, the Cameroonian player, Yves Ekwalla Hermann (hereinafter: the Claimant or the player), and the Iraqi club, Al-Zawra’a Sport Club (hereinafter: the Respondent or the club) allegedly…

F.I.F.A. – Dispute Resolution Chamber / Camera di Risoluzione delle Controversie – labour disputes / controversie di lavoro (2019-2020) – fifa.com – atto non ufficiale – Decision 8 May 2020

Decision of the Dispute Resolution Chamber passed on 8 May 2020, in the following composition: Clifford J. Hendel (USA / France), Deputy Chairman Alexandra Gómez Bruinewoud (Uruguay / The Netherlands), member Stefano La Porta (Italy), member on the claim presented by the player, Michael Seroshtan, Israel, represented by Mr Idan Casif as Claimant against the club, Suphanburi FC, Thailand represented by Mr Menno Teunissen as Respondent regarding an employment-related dispute between the parties I. Facts of the case 1. On…

F.I.F.A. – Dispute Resolution Chamber / Camera di Risoluzione delle Controversie – labour disputes / controversie di lavoro (2019-2020) – fifa.com – atto non ufficiale – Decision 29 January 2020

Decision of the Dispute Resolution Chamber passed in Zurich, Switzerland, on 29 January 2020, in the following composition: Geoff Thompson (England), Chairman Alexandra Gómez Bruinewoud (Uruguay), member Daan de Jong (the Netherlands), member on the claim presented by the player, Nuno Henrique Gonçalves Nogueira, Portugal represented by Mr José Duarte Reis as Claimant against the club, Pafos FC, Cyprus represented by Mr Christoforos Florou as Respondent regarding an employment-related dispute between the parties I. Facts of the case 1. On…

F.I.F.A. – Dispute Resolution Chamber / Camera di Risoluzione delle Controversie – labour disputes / controversie di lavoro (2019-2020) – fifa.com – atto non ufficiale – Decision 15 April 2020

Decision of the Dispute Resolution Chamber (DRC) judge passed in Zurich, Switzerland, on 15 April 2020, by Stijn Boeykens (Belgium), DRC judge on the claim presented by the player, Olanrewaju Muhammed Kehinde, Nigeria represented by Mr Yakub Kizilkaya as Claimant against the club, Denizlispor Kulübü, Turkey represented by Mr Mustafa Serhan Altay as Respondent regarding an employment-related dispute between the parties I. Facts of the case 1. On 10 January 2019, the Nigerian player, Olanrewaju Muhammed Kehinde, (hereinafter: the Claimant),…

F.I.F.A. – Dispute Resolution Chamber / Camera di Risoluzione delle Controversie – labour disputes / controversie di lavoro (2019-2020) – fifa.com – atto non ufficiale – Decision 25 February 2020

Decision of the Dispute Resolution Chamber (DRC) passed on 25 February 2020, in the following composition: Omar Ongaro (Italy), Chairman Stéphane Burchkalter (France), member Jerome Perlemuter (France), member on the claim presented by the player, Player A, Country B as Claimant against the club, Club C, Country D as Respondent regarding an employment-related dispute between the parties I. Facts of the case 1. On an unspecified date, the player from Country B, Player A (hereinafter: the player or the Claimant)…

F.I.F.A. – Dispute Resolution Chamber / Camera di Risoluzione delle Controversie – labour disputes / controversie di lavoro (2019-2020) – fifa.com – atto non ufficiale – Decision 22 November 2019

Decision of the Dispute Resolution Chamber (DRC) judge passed on 22 November 2019, by Pavel Pivovarov (Russia), on the claim presented by the player, Sophie Williams, England, represented by Mr Hrvoje Raic as Claimant and the club, US Femminile Latina Calcio, Italy as Respondent regarding an employment-related dispute arisen between the parties I. Facts of the case 1. On 20 December 2017, the English player, Sophie Williams (hereinafter: the Claimant or the player) and the Italian club, US Femminile Latina…

F.I.F.A. – Dispute Resolution Chamber / Camera di Risoluzione delle Controversie – labour disputes / controversie di lavoro (2019-2020) – fifa.com – atto non ufficiale – Decision 4 June 2020

Decision of the Dispute Resolution Chamber passed on 4 June 2020, in the following composition: Clifford Hendel (USA/France), Deputy Chairman Elvis Chetty (Seychelles), member Tomislav Kasalo (Croatia), member on the claim lodged by the player, Mr Jeon Hyoseok, Korea Republic, represented by Messrs Menno Teunissen and Thomas Spee as Claimant against the club, Perak Football Association, Malaysia as Respondent regarding an employment-related dispute between the parties I. Facts of the case Contractual basis 1. On 5 December 2019, the club,…

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