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TAS-CAS – Tribunal Arbitral du Sport/Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport/Corte Arbitrale dello Sport (2016-2017) – tas-cas.org – atto non ufficiale – Arbitration CAS 2016/A/4541 FC Kuban v. FC Dacia, award of 27 March 2017

Tribunal Arbitral du Sport Court of Arbitration for Sport Arbitration CAS 2016/A/4541 FC Kuban v. FC Dacia, award of 27 March 2017 Panel: Mr Lars Hilliger (Denmark), Sole Arbitrator Football Training compensation Principle applicable to training compensation in case of loan of a player Absence of proof regarding the simulation of loan triggering the obligation to pay training compensation 1. In principle, the loan of a player to another club does not interrupt the continuing training period of the player.…

TAS-CAS – Tribunal Arbitral du Sport/Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport/Corte Arbitrale dello Sport (2016-2017) – tas-cas.org – atto non ufficiale – Arbitration CAS 2016/A/4539 Dimitri Torbinskyi v. Football Union of Russia (FUR) & Rubin Kazan FC & CAS 2016/A/4545 Rubin Kazan FC v. Dimitri Torbinskyi & FUR, award of 11 January 2017

Tribunal Arbitral du Sport Court of Arbitration for Sport Arbitration CAS 2016/A/4539 Dimitri Torbinskyi v. Football Union of Russia (FUR) & Rubin Kazan FC & CAS 2016/A/4545 Rubin Kazan FC v. Dimitri Torbinskyi & FUR, award of 11 January 2017 Panel: Mr Sofoklis Pilavios (Greece), Sole Arbitrator Football Termination of the employment contract Applicable law CAS power of review Obligation to return the amount of compensation received in excess Applicable interest rate 1. There is no general rule that Article…

TAS-CAS – Tribunal Arbitral du Sport/Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport/Corte Arbitrale dello Sport (2016-2017) – tas-cas.org – atto non ufficiale – Arbitration CAS 2016/A/4539 Dimitri Torbinskyi v. Football Union of Russia (FUR) & Rubin Kazan FC & CAS 2016/A/4545 Rubin Kazan FC v. Dimitri Torbinskyi & FUR, award of 11 January 2017

Tribunal Arbitral du Sport Court of Arbitration for Sport Arbitration CAS 2016/A/4539 Dimitri Torbinskyi v. Football Union of Russia (FUR) & Rubin Kazan FC & CAS 2016/A/4545 Rubin Kazan FC v. Dimitri Torbinskyi & FUR, award of 11 January 2017 Panel: Mr Sofoklis Pilavios (Greece), Sole Arbitrator Football Termination of the employment contract Applicable law CAS power of review Obligation to return the amount of compensation received in excess Applicable interest rate 1. There is no general rule that Article…

TAS-CAS – Tribunal Arbitral du Sport/Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport/Corte Arbitrale dello Sport (2016-2017) – tas-cas.org – atto non ufficiale – Arbitration CAS 2016/A/4519 FC Porto v. Hellas Verona FC & Club Cerro Porteño, award of 26 January 2017

Tribunal Arbitral du Sport Court of Arbitration for Sport Arbitration CAS 2016/A/4519 FC Porto v. Hellas Verona FC & Club Cerro Porteño, award of 26 January 2017 Panel: Prof. Ulrich Haas (Germany), President; Mr José Juan Pintó (Spain); Mr Alasdair Bell (United Kingdom) Football Solidarity contribution Validity of internal arrangements shifting the burden to pay the solidarity contribution Principles of interpretation of contracts Legal value of values and texts uploaded in the TMS 1. The FIFA Regulations on the Status…

TAS-CAS – Tribunal Arbitral du Sport/Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport/Corte Arbitrale dello Sport (2016-2017) – tas-cas.org – atto non ufficiale – Arbitration CAS 2016/A/4518 FC Porto v. Hellas Verona FC & Club Atlético River Plate, award of 26 January 2017

Tribunal Arbitral du Sport Court of Arbitration for Sport Arbitration CAS 2016/A/4518 FC Porto v. Hellas Verona FC & Club Atlético River Plate, award of 26 January 2017 Panel: Prof. Ulrich Haas (Germany), President; Mr José Juan Pintó (Spain); Mr Alasdair Bell (United Kingdom) Football Solidarity contribution Validity of internal arrangements shifting the burden to pay the solidarity contribution Principles of interpretation of contracts Legal value of values and texts uploaded in the TMS 1. The FIFA Regulations on the…

TAS-CAS – Tribunal Arbitral du Sport/Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport/Corte Arbitrale dello Sport (2016-2017) – tas-cas.org – atto non ufficiale – Arbitration CAS 2016/A/4517 Bologna FC 1909 S.p.A. v. Gonzalo Luis Madrid Pineiro, award of 13 March 2017

Tribunal Arbitral du Sport Court of Arbitration for Sport Arbitration CAS 2016/A/4517 Bologna FC 1909 S.p.A. v. Gonzalo Luis Madrid Pineiro, award of 13 March 2017 Panel: Mr Sofoklis Pilavios (Greece), President; Mr Michele Bernasconi (Switzerland); Mr José Juan Pintó (Spain) Football Contract of agency Reduction of a contractual commission owed to a player’s agent based on the principle of proportionality In exceptional cases, by application of article 417 of the Swiss Code of Obligations, freedom of contract may be…

TAS-CAS – Tribunal Arbitral du Sport/Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport/Corte Arbitrale dello Sport (2016-2017) – tas-cas.org – atto non ufficiale – Arbitration CAS 2016/A/4512 World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) v. Turkish Football Federation (TFF) & Ahmet Kuru, award of 21 November 2016

Tribunal Arbitral du Sport Court of Arbitration for Sport Arbitration CAS 2016/A/4512 World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) v. Turkish Football Federation (TFF) & Ahmet Kuru, award of 21 November 2016 Panel: Mr Alexander McLin (Switzerland), Sole Arbitrator Football Doping (clomiphene) Specific sporting or general intent to violate an anti-doping rule A plain reading of Art. 19.3 of the FIFA Anti-Doping Regulations leaves little doubt that the drafters intended for the requirement of “intent” to be satisfied by a situation in which…

TAS-CAS – Tribunal Arbitral du Sport/Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport/Corte Arbitrale dello Sport (2016-2017) – tas-cas.org – atto non ufficiale – Arbitration CAS 2016/A/4501 Joseph S. Blatter v. Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), award of 5 December 2016

Tribunal Arbitral du Sport Court of Arbitration for Sport Arbitration CAS 2016/A/4501 Joseph S. Blatter v. Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), award of 5 December 2016 Panel: Mr Manfred Nan (The Netherlands), President; Mr Patrick Lafranchi (Switzerland); Mr Andrew de Lotbinière McDougall (France) Football Disciplinary sanctions for infringements to the Code of Ethics Principle “tempus regit actum” and prohibition against retroactivity Admissibility of a witness statement of a witness not appearing at the hearing Potential conclusive and preclusive effects…

TAS-CAS – Tribunal Arbitral du Sport/Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport/Corte Arbitrale dello Sport (2016-2017) – tas-cas.org – atto non ufficiale – Arbitrations CAS 2016/A/4495 Hakan Calhanoglu v. Trabzonspor FC & Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) & CAS 2016/A/4535 Trabzonspor FC v. Hakan Calhanoglu, award of 2 February 2017

Tribunal Arbitral du Sport Court of Arbitration for Sport Arbitrations CAS 2016/A/4495 Hakan Calhanoglu v. Trabzonspor FC & Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) & CAS 2016/A/4535 Trabzonspor FC v. Hakan Calhanoglu, award of 2 February 2017 Panel: Mr Mark Hovell (United Kingdom), President; Mr Michael Gerlinger (Germany); Mr Hendrik Willem Kesler (The Netherlands) Football Termination of the employment contract without just cause by the player Applicable law Status of the player Application of Art. 17 and 18 RSTP to…

TAS-CAS – Tribunal Arbitral du Sport/Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport/Corte Arbitrale dello Sport (2016-2017) – tas-cas.org – atto non ufficiale – Arbitrage TAS 2016/A/4490 RFC Seraing c. Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), sentence du 9 mars 2017

Tribunal Arbitral du Sport Court of Arbitration for Sport Arbitrage TAS 2016/A/4490 RFC Seraing c. Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), sentence du 9 mars 2017 Formation: M. Bernard Foucher (France), Président; Me Bernard Hanotiau (Belgique); Me Ruggero Stincardini (Italie) Football Sanctions à l’encontre d’un club ayant contrevenu à l’interdiction des pratiques de “Third Party Ownership” Prise en compte du droit de l’Union européenne en tant que droit applicable Légalité des articles 18bis et 18ter RSTJ au regard des libertés…

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