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TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2012-2013)———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2012-2013) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitrage TAS 2012/A/2862 FC Girondins de Bordeaux c. Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), sentence du 11 janvier 2013 Formation: Mr Olivier Carrard (Suisse), Président; Mr Paul Mauriac (France); Mr Prosper Abega (France) Football Transfert international de joueurs mineurs Interprétation des statuts et règlements d’une association Prise en compte de l’intention des rédacteurs dans l’application de l’art. 19 du Règlement FIFA Exceptions non-écrites au principe de l’interdiction de transfert international pour les joueurs mineurs Application du droit communautaire Compatibilité de l’art. 19 du Règlement FIFA avec le droit communautaire Compatibilité de l’art. 19 du Règlement FIFA avec les traités internationaux de protection des droits de l’homme

TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2012-2013)———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2012-2013) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitrage TAS 2012/A/2862 FC Girondins de Bordeaux c. Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), sentence du 11 janvier 2013 Formation: Mr Olivier Carrard (Suisse), Président; Mr Paul Mauriac (France); Mr Prosper Abega (France) Football Transfert international de joueurs mineurs Interprétation des statuts et règlements d’une association Prise en compte de l’intention des…

TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2012-2013)———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2012-2013) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitrage TAS 2012/A/2862 FC Girondins de Bordeaux c. Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), ordonnance du 20 août 2012 Football Requête de mesures provisionnelles Conditions d’octroi des mesures provisionnelles Dommage irréparable Nécessité pour le requérant d’être lui-même exposé au risque de dommage irréparable

TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2012-2013)———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2012-2013) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitrage TAS 2012/A/2862 FC Girondins de Bordeaux c. Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), ordonnance du 20 août 2012 Football Requête de mesures provisionnelles Conditions d’octroi des mesures provisionnelles Dommage irréparable Nécessité pour le requérant d’être lui-même exposé au risque de dommage irréparable 1. D’après la jurisprudence du TAS, afin de décider…

TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2011-2012)———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2011-2012) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – CAS 2012/A/2702 Györi ETO v. UEFA ARBITRAL AWARD rendered by the COURT OF ARBITRATION FOR SPORT sitting in the following composition: President: Mr. Rui Botica Santos, Attorney-at-law, Lisbon, Portugal Arbitrators: Mr. Stuart McInnes, Solicitor, London, England. Prof. Denis Oswald, Attorney-at-law and Professor in Colombier, Switzerland Ad hoc Clerk: Mr. Felix Majani, Attorney-at-law, Nairobi, Kenya in the arbitration between Györi ETO, Györ, Hungary Represented by Mr. Juan de Dios Crespo Pérez and Mr. Adam Whyte, Attorneys-at-law, Valencia, Spain -Appellantand Union des Associations Européennes de Football (UEFA), Nyon, Switzerland Represented by Mr. Ivan Cherpillod and Mr. Jean-Samuel Leuba, Attorneys-at-law, Lausanne, Switzerland – Respondent-

TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2011-2012)———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2011-2012) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – CAS 2012/A/2702 Györi ETO v. UEFA ARBITRAL AWARD rendered by the COURT OF ARBITRATION FOR SPORT sitting in the following composition: President: Mr. Rui Botica Santos, Attorney-at-law, Lisbon, Portugal Arbitrators: Mr. Stuart McInnes, Solicitor, London, England. Prof. Denis Oswald, Attorney-at-law and Professor in Colombier, Switzerland Ad hoc Clerk: Mr. Felix Majani, Attorney-at-law,…

TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2011-2012)———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2011-2012) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitration CAS 2012/A/2688 Persisam Putra Samarinda, Deltras Sidoardjo FC, Pelita Jaya FC, L. & E. v. Football Association of Indonesia (PSSI), award of 12 April 2012 Panel: Mr Patrick Lafranchi (Switzerland), President; Prof. Ulrich Haas (Germany); Mr Angelo Cascella (Italy) Football Decision of the Executive Committee not to convene an extraordinary Congress CAS Jurisdiction with regard to the statutes of the national federation CAS Jurisdiction with regard to the FIFA Statutes

TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2011-2012)———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2011-2012) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitration CAS 2012/A/2688 Persisam Putra Samarinda, Deltras Sidoardjo FC, Pelita Jaya FC, L. & E. v. Football Association of Indonesia (PSSI), award of 12 April 2012 Panel: Mr Patrick Lafranchi (Switzerland), President; Prof. Ulrich Haas (Germany); Mr Angelo Cascella (Italy) Football Decision of the Executive Committee not to convene an extraordinary Congress…

TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2011-2012)———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2011-2012) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitration CAS 2011/A/2670 Masar Omeragik v. Macedonian Football Federation, order of 29 March 2012 Panel: Mr Martin Schimke (Germany), President; Mr Clifford Hendel (United States); Mr Alasdair Bell (United Kingdom) Football Request for a stay of the decision Reputational damage as irreparable harm Money damages are not able, as a general matter, to compensate or adequately remedy reputational harm. However, a “per se” treatment of reputational damage – or of a prima facie likelihood or appearance of reputational damage – as sufficiently “irreparable” to satisfy the first prong of the test for provisional relief could have the practical effect of eliminating or virtually eliminating such test in any case challenging a suspension or other sanction

TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2011-2012)———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2011-2012) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitration CAS 2011/A/2670 Masar Omeragik v. Macedonian Football Federation, order of 29 March 2012 Panel: Mr Martin Schimke (Germany), President; Mr Clifford Hendel (United States); Mr Alasdair Bell (United Kingdom) Football Request for a stay of the decision Reputational damage as irreparable harm Money damages are not able, as a general matter,…

TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2011-2012)———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2011-2012) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitration CAS 2011/A/2654 Namibia Football Association v. Confédération Africaine de Football (CAF), award of 1 March 2012 (operative part of 10 January 2012) Panel: Mr Mark Hovell (United Kingdom), President; Mr Goetz Eilers (Germany); Mr Raymond Hack (South Africa) Football Nationality of a player Scope of review of the CAS Burden of proof

TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2011-2012)———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2011-2012) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitration CAS 2011/A/2654 Namibia Football Association v. Confédération Africaine de Football (CAF), award of 1 March 2012 (operative part of 10 January 2012) Panel: Mr Mark Hovell (United Kingdom), President; Mr Goetz Eilers (Germany); Mr Raymond Hack (South Africa) Football Nationality of a player Scope of review of the CAS Burden of…

TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2011-2012)———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2011-2012) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitration CAS 2011/A/2646 Club Rangers de Talca v. Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), award of 30 April 2012 Panel: Mr José Juan Pintó Sala (Spain), President; Mr Hernán Jorge Ferrari (Argentina); Mr Rui Botica Santos (Portugal) Football Bankruptcy of a club Succession of the club Inequity in the football market due to the bankruptcy proceedings Inactivity of the player in the bankruptcy proceedings

TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2011-2012)———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2011-2012) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitration CAS 2011/A/2646 Club Rangers de Talca v. Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), award of 30 April 2012 Panel: Mr José Juan Pintó Sala (Spain), President; Mr Hernán Jorge Ferrari (Argentina); Mr Rui Botica Santos (Portugal) Football Bankruptcy of a club Succession of the club Inequity in the football market due…

TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2011-2012)———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2011-2012) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitrage TAS 2011/A/2494 FC Girondins de Bordeaux c. Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), sentence du 22 décembre 2011 (dispositif du 9 décembre 2011) Formation: Me Michele Bernasconi (Suisse), Président; Prof. Jean-Pierre Karaquillo, (France); Me Ruggero Stincardini (Italie) Football Tranfert international d’un joueur mineur Pouvoir d’examen du TAS et mesures d’instruction étendues Article 19 RSTJ et ordre public suisse ou international Finalité de l’article 19 alinéa 2 lettre a RSTJ Principes fondamentaux du droit sur le fardeau de la preuve Pouvoir d’examen du TAS et obligation de fournir des preuves Interprétation des “raisons étrangères au football” de l’article 19 al. 2 lettre a RSTJ

TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2011-2012)———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2011-2012) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitrage TAS 2011/A/2494 FC Girondins de Bordeaux c. Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), sentence du 22 décembre 2011 (dispositif du 9 décembre 2011) Formation: Me Michele Bernasconi (Suisse), Président; Prof. Jean-Pierre Karaquillo, (France); Me Ruggero Stincardini (Italie) Football Tranfert international d’un joueur mineur Pouvoir d’examen du TAS et mesures d’instruction étendues…

TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2011-2012)———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2011-2012) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitration CAS 2011/A/2484 Kauno Futbolo Ir Beisbolo Klubas v. Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), award of 2 November 2011 Panel: Mr Michele Bernasconi (Switzerland), Sole Arbitrator Football Disciplinary sanction against a club for non-compliance with a previous FIFA decision Interpretation of Art. 64 para. 1 of the FIFA Disciplinary Code Ne bis in idem Absence of recognition and enforcement of a FIFA disciplinary decision by a national court

TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2011-2012)———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2011-2012) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitration CAS 2011/A/2484 Kauno Futbolo Ir Beisbolo Klubas v. Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), award of 2 November 2011 Panel: Mr Michele Bernasconi (Switzerland), Sole Arbitrator Football Disciplinary sanction against a club for non-compliance with a previous FIFA decision Interpretation of Art. 64 para. 1 of the FIFA Disciplinary Code Ne…

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