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TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2011-2012)———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2011-2012) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitrage TAS 2011/A/2494 FC Girondins de Bordeaux c. Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), sentence du 22 décembre 2011 (dispositif du 9 décembre 2011) Formation: Me Michele Bernasconi (Suisse), Président; Prof. Jean-Pierre Karaquillo, (France); Me Ruggero Stincardini (Italie) Football Tranfert international d’un joueur mineur Pouvoir d’examen du TAS et mesures d’instruction étendues Article 19 RSTJ et ordre public suisse ou international Finalité de l’article 19 alinéa 2 lettre a RSTJ Principes fondamentaux du droit sur le fardeau de la preuve Pouvoir d’examen du TAS et obligation de fournir des preuves Interprétation des “raisons étrangères au football” de l’article 19 al. 2 lettre a RSTJ

TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2011-2012)———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2011-2012) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitrage TAS 2011/A/2494 FC Girondins de Bordeaux c. Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), sentence du 22 décembre 2011 (dispositif du 9 décembre 2011) Formation: Me Michele Bernasconi (Suisse), Président; Prof. Jean-Pierre Karaquillo, (France); Me Ruggero Stincardini (Italie) Football Tranfert international d’un joueur mineur Pouvoir d’examen du TAS et mesures d’instruction étendues…

TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2011-2012) ———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2011-2012) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitrage TAS 2011/A/2433 Amadou Diakite c. Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), sentence du 8 mars 2012 Formation: Prof. Massimo Coccia (Italie), Président; Me François Klein (France); Me Michele Bernasconi (Suisse) Football Faits de corruption dans le processus d’attribution de l’organisation de la Coupe du monde de la FIFA Admissibilité d’enregistrements de conversations téléphoniques à l’insu de la personne visée comme moyen de preuve Pouvoir d’examen du TAS Admissibilité des preuves (principes) Caractère licite de la preuve Réglementation applicable en matière de preuve Degré de la preuve Atteinte au droit de la personnalité Corruption au sens de l’art. 11 al.1 du Code d’Ethique de la FIFA (CEF) Violation de l’obligation de déclaration et de rapport Violation de l’obligation de loyauté et de confidentialité Sanctions

TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2011-2012) ———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2011-2012) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitrage TAS 2011/A/2433 Amadou Diakite c. Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), sentence du 8 mars 2012 Formation: Prof. Massimo Coccia (Italie), Président; Me François Klein (France); Me Michele Bernasconi (Suisse) Football Faits de corruption dans le processus d’attribution de l’organisation de la Coupe du monde de la FIFA Admissibilité d’enregistrements…

TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2010-2011) ———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2010-2011) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitration CAS 2011/A/2377 Salernitana Calcio 1919 S.p.A. v. FIFA, order of 23 June 2011 Panel: Mr Lars Hilliger (Denmark), President; Mr José Juan Pintó (Spain); Mrs Margarita Echeverria Bermudez (Costa Rica) Football Request for a stay of the appealed decision Request to intervene in the case as a party A third party may participate as a party to the proceedings, in circumstances associated with joinder and intervention, but subject to a common condition: that it is bound by the same arbitration agreement binding the original parties to the dispute or that the third party and the original parties all agree in writing to such participation.

TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2010-2011) ———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2010-2011) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitration CAS 2011/A/2377 Salernitana Calcio 1919 S.p.A. v. FIFA, order of 23 June 2011 Panel: Mr Lars Hilliger (Denmark), President; Mr José Juan Pintó (Spain); Mrs Margarita Echeverria Bermudez (Costa Rica) Football Request for a stay of the appealed decision Request to intervene in the case as a party A third…

TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2010-2011)———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2010-2011) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitration CAS 2010/A/2266 N. & V. v. UEFA, award of 5 May 2011 Panel: Prof. Luigi Fumagalli (Italy), President; Mr Andras Gurovits (Switzerland); Mr Christian Duve (Germany) Football Match-fixing Principle of the individualisation of the sanction Standard of proof in cases relating to “integrity issues” Burden of proof Content of the principles of “loyalty, integrity and sportsmanship” in Art. 5 of the UEFA Disciplinary Regulations Absence of exculpatory circumstances Measure of the sanction

TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2010-2011)———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2010-2011) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitration CAS 2010/A/2266 N. & V. v. UEFA, award of 5 May 2011 Panel: Prof. Luigi Fumagalli (Italy), President; Mr Andras Gurovits (Switzerland); Mr Christian Duve (Germany) Football Match-fixing Principle of the individualisation of the sanction Standard of proof in cases relating to “integrity issues” Burden of proof Content of the principles…

TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2010-2011)———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2010-2011) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitration CAS 2010/A/2266 N. & V. v. UEFA, order on provisional measures of 29 November 2010 Football Match-fixing Request for a stay of the decision Likelihood of success When deciding whether to stay the execution of the decision appealed from, CAS considers whether the action is not deprived of any chance of success on the merits (“likelihood of success” test).

TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2010-2011)———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2010-2011) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitration CAS 2010/A/2266 N. & V. v. UEFA, order on provisional measures of 29 November 2010 Football Match-fixing Request for a stay of the decision Likelihood of success When deciding whether to stay the execution of the decision appealed from, CAS considers whether the action is not deprived of any chance of…

TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2010-2011)———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2010-2011) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitration CAS 2010/A/2202 Konyaspor Club Association v. J., award of 9 May 2011 Panel: Mr Mark Hovell (United Kingdom), President; Mr Bernard Hanotiau (Belgium); Mr Jinwon Park (Korea) Football Contract of employment De novo hearing Breach of contract with just cause Compensation for breach Reduction in the penalty clause

TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2010-2011)———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2010-2011) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitration CAS 2010/A/2202 Konyaspor Club Association v. J., award of 9 May 2011 Panel: Mr Mark Hovell (United Kingdom), President; Mr Bernard Hanotiau (Belgium); Mr Jinwon Park (Korea) Football Contract of employment De novo hearing Breach of contract with just cause Compensation for breach Reduction in the penalty clause 1. Pursuant to…

TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2010-2011)———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2010-2011) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitration CAS 2010/A/2069 Galatasaray A.S. v. Aachener TSV Alemannia F.C., award of 16 August 2010 Panel: Mr. Rui Botica Santos (Portugal), President; Mr. Efraim Barak (Israel); Mr. Goetz Eilers (Germany) Football Compensation for training Status of the player Special provision for the EU/EEA

TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2010-2011)———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2010-2011) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitration CAS 2010/A/2069 Galatasaray A.S. v. Aachener TSV Alemannia F.C., award of 16 August 2010 Panel: Mr. Rui Botica Santos (Portugal), President; Mr. Efraim Barak (Israel); Mr. Goetz Eilers (Germany) Football Compensation for training Status of the player Special provision for the EU/EEA 1. According to well established CAS jurisprudence, the wording…

TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2010-2011)———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2010-2011) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitrations CAS 2010/A/2170 Iraklis Thessaloniki FC v. Hellenic Football Federation (HFF) and CAS 2010/A/2171 OFI FC v. Hellenic Football Federation (HFF), award of 23 February 2011 Panel: Mr Lars Hilliger (Denmark), President; Prof. Luigi Fumagalli (Italy); Prof. Ulrich Haas (Germany) Football Characteristics of a Termination Order Administrative nature of the management of the advance of costs Purpose of Article 63 FIFA Statutes and CAS jurisdiction Control by FIFA of the jurisdictional system of a national association

TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2010-2011)———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2010-2011) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitrations CAS 2010/A/2170 Iraklis Thessaloniki FC v. Hellenic Football Federation (HFF) and CAS 2010/A/2171 OFI FC v. Hellenic Football Federation (HFF), award of 23 February 2011 Panel: Mr Lars Hilliger (Denmark), President; Prof. Luigi Fumagalli (Italy); Prof. Ulrich Haas (Germany) Football Characteristics of a Termination Order Administrative nature of the management of…

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