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TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2009-2010)———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2009-2010) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitrage TAS 2009/A/1895 Le Mans Union Club 72 c. Club Olympique de Bamako, sentence du 6 mai 2010 Formation: Me Olivier Carrard (Suisse), Arbitre unique Football Transfert Statut de joueur professionnel Autonomie du statut par rapport aux réglementations nationales Indemnité de formation Intérêts

TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2009-2010)———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2009-2010) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitrage TAS 2009/A/1895 Le Mans Union Club 72 c. Club Olympique de Bamako, sentence du 6 mai 2010 Formation: Me Olivier Carrard (Suisse), Arbitre unique Football Transfert Statut de joueur professionnel Autonomie du statut par rapport aux réglementations nationales Indemnité de formation Intérêts 1. En application de l’art. 2 RSTJ, un joueur…

TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2009-2010)———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2009-2010) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitrage TAS 2009/A/1895 Le Mans Union Club 72 c. Club Olympique de Bamako & Djoliba Athletic Club, sentence partielle du 15 février 2010 Formation: Me Olivier Carrard (Suisse), arbitre unique Football Qualité pour défendre Validité de l’appel en cause devant la CRL Conditions de l’appel en cause devant le TAS

TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2009-2010)———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2009-2010) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitrage TAS 2009/A/1895 Le Mans Union Club 72 c. Club Olympique de Bamako & Djoliba Athletic Club, sentence partielle du 15 février 2010 Formation: Me Olivier Carrard (Suisse), arbitre unique Football Qualité pour défendre Validité de l’appel en cause devant la CRL Conditions de l’appel en cause devant le TAS 1. En…

TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2008-2009)———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2008-2009) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitration CAS 2008/A/1674 Al-Hilal Al-Saudi Club v. Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), award of 20 March 2009 Panel: Mr Chris Georghiades (Cyprus), President; Mr Jirayr Habibian (Lebanon); Mr Hendrik Willem Kesler (the Netherlands) Football Interpretation of a provision Commencement of a sanction period The literal interpretation of the words “following season” of Art. 17 (3) of the FIFA Regulations on the Status and the Transfer of Players (RSTP 2005) is the season after the event that gave rise to the termination, i.e. the transfer of the Player to the Appellant.

TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2008-2009)———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2008-2009) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitration CAS 2008/A/1674 Al-Hilal Al-Saudi Club v. Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), award of 20 March 2009 Panel: Mr Chris Georghiades (Cyprus), President; Mr Jirayr Habibian (Lebanon); Mr Hendrik Willem Kesler (the Netherlands) Football Interpretation of a provision Commencement of a sanction period The literal interpretation of the words “following season”…

TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2008-2009)———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2008-2009) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitration CAS 2008/A/1674 Al-Hilal Al-Saudi Club v. Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), order of 12 December 2008 Panel: Mr Chris Georghiades (Cyprus), President; Mr Jirayr Habibian (Lebanon); Mr Hendrik Willem Kesler (the Netherlands) Football Request for a stay Appellant’s Standing to Appeal Conditions to be fulfilled in case of a request for a stay Irreparable harm Balance of interests

TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2008-2009)———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2008-2009) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitration CAS 2008/A/1674 Al-Hilal Al-Saudi Club v. Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), order of 12 December 2008 Panel: Mr Chris Georghiades (Cyprus), President; Mr Jirayr Habibian (Lebanon); Mr Hendrik Willem Kesler (the Netherlands) Football Request for a stay Appellant’s Standing to Appeal Conditions to be fulfilled in case of a request…

TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2008-2009)———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2008-2009) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitration CAS 2008/A/1485 FC Midtjylland A/S v. Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), award of 6 March 2009 Panel: Mr Stuart McInnes (England), President; Mr Lars Halgreen (Denmark); Prof. Luigi Fumagalli (Italy) Football International transfer of minor players Scope of application of Art. 19 RSTP Exceptions to the principle prohibiting the transfer of minor players Application of EC Law in general Application of the Cotonou Agreement Application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU Breach of the non-discrimination principle

TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2008-2009)———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2008-2009) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitration CAS 2008/A/1485 FC Midtjylland A/S v. Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), award of 6 March 2009 Panel: Mr Stuart McInnes (England), President; Mr Lars Halgreen (Denmark); Prof. Luigi Fumagalli (Italy) Football International transfer of minor players Scope of application of Art. 19 RSTP Exceptions to the principle prohibiting the transfer…

TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2008-2009)———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2008-2009) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitration CAS 2008/A/1482 Genoa Cricket and Football Club S.p.A. v. Club Deportivo Maldonado, award of 9 February 2009 Panel: Mr Christian Duve (Germany), President; Mr Michele Bernasconi (Switzerland); Mr Hernán Jorge Ferrari (Argentina) Football Transfer New facts and arguments raised in an appeal to the CAS Applicable law to the merits of the dispute according to the FIFA Statutes

TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2008-2009)———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2008-2009) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitration CAS 2008/A/1482 Genoa Cricket and Football Club S.p.A. v. Club Deportivo Maldonado, award of 9 February 2009 Panel: Mr Christian Duve (Germany), President; Mr Michele Bernasconi (Switzerland); Mr Hernán Jorge Ferrari (Argentina) Football Transfer New facts and arguments raised in an appeal to the CAS Applicable law to the merits of…

TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2008-2009)———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2008-2009) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitration CAS 2008/A/1464 Futebol Clube do Porto v. J. & CAS 2008/A/1467 J. v. Futebol Clube do Porto, award of 3 December 2008 Panel: Mr Jan Paulsson (France), President; Mr Rui Botica Santos (Portugal); Mr Georg Engelbrecht (Germany) Football Unilateral termination of the employment contract between a coach and a club Applicable law to coaches with regard to compensation for breach Status of a “contrato colectivo” under Portuguese law

TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2008-2009)———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2008-2009) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitration CAS 2008/A/1464 Futebol Clube do Porto v. J. & CAS 2008/A/1467 J. v. Futebol Clube do Porto, award of 3 December 2008 Panel: Mr Jan Paulsson (France), President; Mr Rui Botica Santos (Portugal); Mr Georg Engelbrecht (Germany) Football Unilateral termination of the employment contract between a coach and a club Applicable…

TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2008-2009)———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2008-2009) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitration CAS 2008/A/1463 Futebol Clube do Porto v. O. & CAS 2008/A/1466 O. v. Futebol Clube do Porto, award of 3 December 2008 Panel: Mr Jan Paulsson (France), President; Mr Rui Botica Santos (Portugal); Mr Georg Engelbrecht (Germany) Football Unilateral termination of the employment contract between a coach and a club Applicable law to coaches with regard to compensation for breach Status of a “contrato colectivo” under Portuguese law

TAS-CAS – Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport – Corte arbitrale dello Sport (2008-2009)———-Tribunal Arbitral du Sport – Court of Arbitration for Sport (2008-2009) – official version by www.tas-cas.org – Arbitration CAS 2008/A/1463 Futebol Clube do Porto v. O. & CAS 2008/A/1466 O. v. Futebol Clube do Porto, award of 3 December 2008 Panel: Mr Jan Paulsson (France), President; Mr Rui Botica Santos (Portugal); Mr Georg Engelbrecht (Germany) Football Unilateral termination of the employment contract between a coach and a club Applicable…

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